
Cynren is Old English for “kindred,” and here at the Press, we take our name to heart. Cynren Press is an award-winning publisher of history, memoir, biography, poetry, and women’s studies.

We publish books with a unique or insightful perspective on the human story.

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Cennan Books, Cynren's fiction imprint, publishes historical fiction and world fiction.

historical fiction

  • We have a particular interest in historical fiction that illuminates a new or unique perspective on well-known historical events.

world fiction

  • We're interested in offering readers insights into cultures and lifeways through engaging fictional accounts.


New for 2025

Traditional Publication

Cynren Press and Cennan Books offer traditional publication to manuscripts that knock our socks off and that we feel may excel in the marketplace. Traditional publication pays a small advance and offers industry-standard royalties, with no cost to authors.

Hybrid Publication

As a micro-publisher, we must be selective in offering publication; as a growing publishing house, though, it pains us to turn away compelling manuscripts because of a full catalog of upcoming titles. With the aim of getting more outstanding literature under readers’ noses, Cynren/Cennan are now offering a hybrid publication model: The author pays a fee to cover production costs but earns royalties of up to 75% on net sales. Manuscripts are selected with the same discretion and treated with the same love, attention, and pride as our traditionally published titles.

More about hybrid publication with Cynren Press can be found here.



Query First

Please submit your query to with the subject line “QUERY.” If we have an interest, we’ll respond within 7 days. If you do not hear from us in that time, please assume that we’ve decided, with gratitude for your consideration of our press, not to pursue your manuscript further.

Solicited Manuscripts

Should we wish to review your full manuscript or proposal after receiving your query, you will be contacted with further information on how to submit.

