Poet Trish Reeves at a well-attended reading from her collection The Receipt.
Tonya Mitchell, A Feigned Madness, cuts the ribbon on the opening of a new local Barnes & Noble store.

We created Cynren Press to further the world's knowledge of the human story, and Melissa Hunter has taken that mission to heart. We thank her for bringing What She Lost to her local schools and sharing her grandmother's story with students.
Kansas Book Fest
Trish Reeves
Trish Reeves discusses her poem “Huddled” from her collection The Receipt, alongside fellow poets H.C. Palmer, MD (right) and Robert Stewart (left).
A TED Talk
Wendy Murphy
Wendy Murphy, author of the forthcoming Oh No He Didn’t!, speaks on why men take credit for women’s work: “because they can!”
B&B Productions presents
The Story of of Sarah Waldman Werthaiser
Based on the novel What She Lost by Melissa W. Hunter.
Wendy Murphy
Having a blast at the release event for her Oh No He Didn’t!
Listen In
Sheldon Russell
Tornado Alley Mystery Writers Podcast
Paul Duffy
Author Paul Duffy, Run with the Hare, Hunt with the Hound, speaks about his book as part of “Dazzling Debuts.”
Author Melissa Hunter speaks at
“Remembering the Past, Standing Up to Antisemitism and Hate Today”
An Interview With
Tonya Mitchell
Author of A Feigned Madness, interviewed by fellow Cynren author Melissa Hunter, What She Lost.