Solicited Manuscript Submission

Please fill out the following form. Upon submission, you will be directed to an upload page.

Please submit in MS WORD (PDFs not accepted) as a single document either the full manuscript and a detailed chapter outline or, if the manuscript is incomplete, a substantive, representative portion accompanied by a detailed chapter outline.

Please name the file as follows: TITLE OF BOOK Surname.

In addition, please include the following as the first pages of your submission document:

  • A short bio, along with your website and any social media sites or blogs you maintain

  • The manuscript’s word count, character count (with spaces), and status (completed? if not, when?)

  • A list of competitive titles (books to which your manuscript is similar) and how your book sets itself apart; be realistic

  • Your platform: For nonfiction, how are you qualified to write the book? For all authors, what contacts do you have that will aid with promotion and sales? What plans/ideas do you have for promotion, to complement our own efforts?

  • A count and brief description of any art (photos, figures, tables, maps); if you have digital art available, please submit this pasted into the document

Our current time to respond to submissions is 2 to 3 months.